Aligning Digital Transformation Success Factors
Continuing with our theme on aligning success factors for digital transformation as a way to strengthen your brand, the first considerations in developing your strategy depends on the dimensions one prioritises for change. Bearing in mind that as we said in the foregoing article, 3 Brand Driven Reasons for Digital Transformation, digital transformation will be disruptive, it follows that it will impact every function and facet of your organisation in some direct or indirect way.
One of my fundamental beliefs about building brand power, borne out of years in organisational transformations of all kinds, from banks to FMCG organisations, is that it absolutely relies on making all change brand-aligned.
This means that the business case, transformation strategy and brand strategy must be aligned such that brand imperatives are not lost, and that neither the customer experience nor the employee experience is sacrificed. It has been a source of constant amazement to me through the several transformations I have witnessed organisations do, that there is a surprise when customer satisfaction takes a steep dive, post transformations and yet employees were only considered as an afterthought, gotten rid of summarily and treated badly. Employees are first-line brand advocates so not protecting them through transformations is not a good approach.
A good approach to transformation must incorporate the customer experience (CX), target operating model, business objectives as well as brand imperatives in concert.
Your organisation’s brand imperatives – principles, purpose, position, proposition and ideals –
Remember who you are in your business. All changes must support and enhance and advance your position in the market, promote your offering and help to engage with and create higher visibility and awareness with the people your business exists to serve. The transformation will affect them. Tell them about it, create a sense of excitement and give a timeline that you are confident that you can deliver on. Tell them what they will get and how it will make their lives easier and deepen your relationship.
Excellent Customer Experience (CX)
A factor that should be borne in mind through all considerations, plans and activities for digital transformation, because this is how your clients and customers experience and perceive your organisation’s offer and benefits.
Business Objectives
overlaying a digital process that is supposed to be excellent on a business model that is patchy and not fit for purpose will never deliver what the business case has advocated and the hopes and ROI that you will surely expect for your transformation exercise. There must be a deep review process of opportunities for improvement and indeed where transformation would elevate the business.
Target Operating Models and Technology Architecture – Operations, Processes and Technology
Identifying, based on best practice research and clarity on what currently is not effective or contributing to success, developing a vision of how operations, functions and processes should be structured to enable better communication and collaboration internally with staff, stakeholders and leadership, and externally, with suppliers, customers and the public. Where might the biggest digital initiatives found in intelligent automation environments or RPAs, or conversational bots help and what does it mean for overhauling process and the roles people currently perform?
It’s clear to see the interaction and interdependencies of these factors for success in digital transformation, and the importance of considering them in concert and planning accordingly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]